Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final film review: At the Gates of Water

At the Gates of Water is an original film that touches on the untold story of George McKinney who played a critical role in a huge piece of American history.
The film takes viewers through the final events of the Watergate scandal from the perspective of Mr George McKinney who was Maryland's first elected black US Marshall. Viewers are rightfully treated to an inside look of the life of George McKinney. The actor delivers a perfectedley cool performance. Simply put, George McKinney played a cool role in American history. He should truly be appreciated by the black community. His big moment in history is righteously projected through the film when McKinney delivered the subpoena to former US president Richard Nixon ordering him to hand over the tapes of the Watergate scandal. This part of the film is well edit using quick cuts in editing and unique angles in its.cinematography. The film is beautifully shot and the actors truly bring light to a unique moment in American history. The lead actors of McKinney and his wife were well casted as At the gates of water uses several actors for each part of the journey of George McKinney. The film ends with featured actual interviews from the family and friends of George McKinney who recently past away in the summer of 2012 at 77 after serving 30+ years in government.
All in all, At the Gates of Water is an amazing film that finally shines light on Mr George McKinney who deserves a historical spot in American history.

Friday, December 7, 2012

FR: Battle of Algiers

Battle of Algiers offers a untold story of terrorism verses corrupt government and colonization.
While most films glorify the side that is fighting terrorist, Battle of Algiers uniquely allows viewers to build an emotional connection to the characters commuting the "terrorism' against the corruption that is destroying their city. Battle of Algiers is truly a black and white classic. It's one of those timeless pieces in film that can allow for future filmmakers to always go back and take notes on how to produce a classic. Battle of Algiers is shot almost in documentary type style. It does not use interviews to drive it as a doc might but it does feature some shots and scenes where the viewer can almost feel like the camera is a character is itself. Their are some shots where the actors or extras look right into the camera. There are also other shots where it seems like the cinematographer just went out on an unplanned day shooting random footage of a day in Algiers. Acting is a plus for Battle of Algiers although due to the lack of technology, some scenes where characters get shot and injured look false and fake. It would be great to see this classic get revisited through a remake with today's technology.

Film Review: The Black Candle

Kwanzaa is an internationally celebrated pan African holiday that lasts seven days with a different principle on each day. These principles are called the nguzo Saba. Kwanzaa is a holiday which allows the Black culture to be embraced and glorified, and educated.
The Black is a documentary that does well in capturing this embracement. The Black Candle offers a history of how Kwanzaa began under Dr Karenga, and how the Black community embraces this celebration. The film features interviews from Dr Karenga himself and several other activist, poetry by MK Asante and the legendary Maya Angelou, and also great music that really allows for the emotion of the film to be carried along with the inspirational provoking words of the speakers. The Black Candle is truly a well produced documentary that should leave every viewr feeling inspired and proud.